Aluminum Recycling

LIXIL's factories in Japan now use recycled aluminum materials. By reusing recovered aluminum, we have been able to significantly reduce the energy required to manufacture aluminum products, in turn reducing CO2 emissions.

Raw materials being fed into an aluminum smelter

Raw materials being fed into an aluminum smelter

Proactive use of Recycled Aluminum

For more than 25 years, LIXIL’s domestic Japanese plants have been using recycled aluminum. Though light, strong and rust-resistant, refining and manufacturing aluminum from raw alumina requires a huge amount of electrical power and water. Recycling aluminum collected from old buildings and other sources results in significant energy savings and reduced environmental impact. However, because of the low purity of the aluminum collected for recycling, quality and productivity have been major issues. We are working across divisions to build supply routes to achieve the highest aluminum recycling rate in the industry, contributing to an annual reduction of some 350,000 tons of CO2 emissions.