Waste Recycling

LIXIL Corporation aims for sustainable resource utilization in all its business activities, including waste recycling. Based on the three Rs-Reduce, Reuse and Recycle-we promote the reduction, separation and recycling of industrial waste generated in the production process. We are also supporting resource recycling initiatives at the raw material procurement and product disposal stages across the globe.

Green industry award ceremony promoted by the Thai Ministry of Industry

Green industry award ceremony promoted by the Thai Ministry of Industry

Zero industrial landfill waste activities in collaboration with stakeholders

TOSTEM Thailand, an overseas subsidiary of LIXIL Corporation, is promoting the recycling of industrial waste in collaboration with stakeholders. In Thailand, most industrial waste ends up in environmentally problematic landfill. With the cooperation of the Thai government, we are promoting the use of sludge as a raw material for cement, reducing landfill use by about 90% in four years. In recognition of our various activities, including tree planting and refuse collection in collaboration with local people, we have been awarded Level 4 under the Green Industry* award system by the Thai Ministry of Industry.

For many companies in Thailand, it is difficult to comply with all the new laws and regulations that come into effect every year, and few can outsource recycling. In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, we conducted audits of recycling consignment companies and provided guidance and support in rebuilding systems to help companies recycle. As of March 2019, we have achieved “zero landfill from industrial waste” in the country. Our efforts have been recognized by the Thai Ministry of Industry with the "3Rs Award" and "Zero Landfill Award". Going forward, we will make further efforts to achieve “zero landfill” in the fiscal year ending March 2020 and acquire Green Industry Level 5 certification.

*A commendation system for green industry promoted by the Thai Ministry of Industry. Companies that have reached one of five levels regarding environmental activities are given a corresponding Green Industry award.